Baquet meeting Sunday March 17 2024, 8pm
The We Care Ministry (WCM) was created to serve as an ongoing, spiritually-based support network with the purpose of acknowledging, encouraging and connecting the various segments of the Montague family. The ministry’s goals includes spurring one another on through the tough and uncertain times, sharing useful information, and using our God-given talents to uplift the family.
For the ministry to function properly we need your assistance. Please inform us about births, passings, marriages, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, illnesses, hospitalizations, new or changing employment, promotions, college acceptance, residence changes, business start-ups…anything you wish to share that affects you, your family or the Montague Family network. Feel free to contact any team member with information, questions and/or interest in becoming a team member of WCM. Membership is open to all.
Team Goals:
- Gather the information and provide to a team leader or member of a team.
- Hold at least one meeting to include a pray session for the Family/family member seeking pray.
- Send postcards to acknowledge occasions. Cards provide by WCM funds
- Budget is $200 for plants/flowers,cards or cash , when notified of the passing of a family member. family member budget for sick $60, for plants/flowers or fruit basket etc.
- Raise at least $60 to supplement and replenish We Care Ministry funds.
- Brainstorm and present at least one idea to improve/generate interest for the family reunion.
- Present at least one idea for fundraiser to help support the family reunion
- Team leaders will ensure that meeting information is posted on the website or passed on to chairperson by the 5th day of the month (i.e., Team January's report due February 5).
- Come up with at least one idea to improve the We Care Team concept.
- Recruit at least 1 additional family members to join your team.
Teams Conference Phone # 305- 848 -8888 Pin#813-503-4464
This conference line is for all team to use for their meetingTo View the team reports go to We care reports*
TEAM LEADERSTEAM OCTOBER: *Robert & Portia Barnes ph #813-503-4464 , Jelani Lovett, Jamarre Lovett TEAM NOVEMBER: *Mattie Richardson ph #919 720-6014, *Dennis & Sandy YelvertonTEAM DECEMBER: Larry & Leann WhitleyTEAM JANUARY: * Oley & Barbara Dunn ph # 919-818-8493--Raleigh, NC; WILLIAN AND NANCY DUNN, TONEY DUNN, MARLEITA DUNN, GREG DUNN, TARA DUNN
TEAM FEBURARY: *Gracie Jordan 919 412 7256, * Willie Mae White 919 395 6194
Ivan Bolden, Wayne Montague, TEAM MARCH: *Gloris Edwards #407 765 7932*Anthone' Edwards, * Martina Yelverton, Phillip & Nekaba YelvertonTEAM APRIL: Lorraine Jones 919-247-6112 , Pamela Mann, Annette Strickland and Tara Braswell
TEAM JUNE: VACANTTEAM JULY: * Narvia Priest, Knisty Moore, Charisse Johnson, Jasmine Johnson, Tamara Moore
TEAM AUGUST: *Janet & Purnell Chamblee
919-395-5881, Danny & Juanita Yelverton, TEAM SEPTEMBER: * Mel Harris , Tony Montague, 919- 480-3610,,
Montague Family Bible Study
Hello family and Friends, you are invited to join us on the conference line every Thursday night for a "We Care" Bible study. The time is 8 to 8:30 PM. The conference number is: (305) 848-8888 and the Pin Code is: 813 503 4464. Everyone is welcome. Come, let's enjoy studying the Word together!